Benefits of intermittent fasting - healthy habits

The benefits of intermittent fasting

What we call “intermittent fasting” these days used to be called “sensible eating habits”. Often times when we eat late at night it is only because of emotional reasons. Are you hungry? Or are you just eating to eat? When you start to examine your late evening eating habits you will become more disciplined in this aspect of your life and it will translate also into other areas.

What is intermittent fasting?

Intermittent fasting basically is just a strategy in which you’re cycling eating with fasting. When you think about it, we naturally fast during the seven or so hours that we sleep each night so technically intermittent fasting can be as simple as extending your daily fast a little longer and have your first meal at noon instead of 9 or 10 am. There are many ways to approach intermittent fasting but the most common fasting strategy is “the 16/8 method,” which means eating only during an eight hour window during the day and fasting for the remaining 16 hours.

What are the benefits? 

Practicing 16/8 intermittent fasting triggers a series of beneficial changes in your body, right down to the cellular level. It causes insulin levels to drop, which improves insulin sensitivity , optimises blood sugarlevels and burns fat . It can also increase levels of human growth factor . This is an important hormone involved in cellular regeneration that has been linked to improvements in body composition and decreased body fat. Plus, short-term fasting has been shown to induce autophagy, an important cellular repair process that helps remove waste and toxins to keep your body healthy.
Research also suggests that intermittent fasting may offer protection against chronic disease and brain ageing by altering specific genes and molecules within your body . Some studies show reductions in markers of inflammation, a key driver of many chronic diseases.

When we fast, human growth hormone levels go up and insulin levels go down. Your body’s cells also change the expression of genes and initiate important cellular repair processes. These changes in hormone levels, cell function and gene expression are responsible for the health benefits of intermittent fasting.

Hunger is the main side effect of intermittent fasting. You might also feel weak and your brain might not perform as well as you’re used to. This should only be temporary, as it usually takes some time for your body to adapt to the new meal schedule. 

Keep in mind though that research is still in its early stages and many questions have yet to be answered. If you have a medical condition/take medication, you should always consult with your doctor before trying intermittent fasting.  We can definitely say for sure from personal experience that it makes your healthy lifestyle loads simpler! Intermittent fasting just makes things easier, as you’re not making as many meals as before. 

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1 Comment

  1. Demarquis Thompson on 17 February 2024 at 6h38

    This was very helpful

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